Jeff Beck
Live At B.B. King Blues Club
if it’s true that in this kind of arguments the intrusion of a subjective
element is practically unavoidable, I’ll say that an assertion that
argues that Jeff Beck is more or less the only player to whom can nowadays
be referred a sentence in the present tense containing (both) the words
"guitar" and "rock" is true. An exuberant musician,
but in a way quite shy and reluctant to wear those (financially rewarding)
"guitar hero" clothes that few have worn with the same natural
elegance. The type with the rascal face and the "punk energy"
(starting from his days with the Yardbirds, almost forty years ago!)
who wears a "what-me-worry" stance while playing the most
astonishingly difficult stuff ever played on a six-string – whistles,
harmonics, string-skipping, whole melodies played using only the whammy
bar, obscene distortion, Blues from Mars, breath-taking lead progressions.
Somebody who can change a mood within a phrase.
never been fully convinced by the artificial atmosphere of the recording
studio (though he has very often produced worthy stuff there), and so
he has regarded the stage as the only game worth playing. I’m quite
pleased I can say that this album – recorded live at the B.B. King Blues
Club & Grill in New York on 09/10/2003 and available (almost) exclusively
at jeffbeck.com – is really excellent. A well-above average night, with
the contribution of the astounding Terry Bozzio and Tony Hymas – it’s
the trio that recorded Guitar Shop, one of the best studio releases
by Jeff Beck. Nice recorded sound – the concert has been mixed, not
simply "recorded live to two tracks" – excellent instrumental
performances, songs which span the fusion times of the seventies and
the "techno" repertory of yesterday, sixteen tracks in sixty-four
minutes = tracks that don’t outstay their welcome. An indispensable
record for fans and newcomers alike.
is still capable of those outstanding polyrhythmic performances that
in the seventies made it possible for him to perform those intricate
Frank Zappa charts. Plus, he adds those personal touches that he used
when playing with new wavers Missing Persons. Check his cymbal work!
(Bozzio’ work alone is worth the price of this record.) Hymas is Hymas,
an excellent arranger, an instrumentalist who can fill space without
overplaying, a very good piano player, a nice colorist on synthesizer,
an exuberant "wind section".
the trio plays the pages off the Guitar Shop album – Big Block and Savoy
– very well. But the opening tracks – Roy’s Toy and Psycho Sam, off
the "techno" period – already say how much territory they
can cover. There are also tracks off Blow By Blow and Wired, the fusion
albums that in the seventies restarted Beck’s career: Freeway Jam, Scatterbrain,
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat. There’s also a nice version of You Never Know,
off There And Beck, where Bozzio plays somewhat in the style of Simon
Phillips. From the most recent albums come Nadia, Angel (Footsteps),
Seasons and the closing track, My Thing, with its sampled female vocals
and its James Brown climates. Beck is obviously his brilliant self in
Where Were You and Brush With The Blues. A beautiful cover of Curtis
Mayfield’s People Get Ready, with its fiery sentimental guitar and a
nice piano solo by Hymas, is not really surprising. More surprising
is the excellent reprise of The Beatles’ A Day In The Life, faithfully
performed down to its world-famous crescendos. (Beck had already recorded
the track for George Martin’s album titled In My Life, released a few
years ago with not much fanfare from the press.) "I’d love to turn
you on."
Beppe Colli
© Beppe Colli 2004
CloudsandClocks.net | July 22, 2004